
Red line in eye
Red line in eye

red line in eye

If you’ve recently switched lenses - or if you’ve had the same type of lenses for a while - and experience redness, talk to your eye doctor. The materials found inside certain lenses can increase your likelihood for infection or irritation. If you’re experiencing chronic eye redness and you wear contact lenses, the problem may involve your eyewear. You should also talk to your doctor if the problem persists. Here are a few lifestyle changes that may relieve your symptoms.

red line in eye

If you regularly experience red, irritated eyes, you may need to think beyond quick fixes. If cool artificial tears are recommended, consider refrigerating the solution. Short-term or long-term dryness might call for over-the-counter artificial tears to keep your eyes healthy. Tears lubricate your eyes and help keep them clean. Be sure to avoid any extremes of temperature in the area around your eyes, or you may make the problem worse. It can relieve any swelling and reduce any itchiness from irritation. A towel soaked in cool water and wrung out may also provide short-term relief for red eye symptoms. If a warm compress isn’t working, you can take the opposite approach. This allows your eyes to create more lubrication. It can also increase oil production on your eyelids. The heat can increase blood flow to the area. Place the towel on your eyes for about 10 minutes. The area around the eyes is sensitive, so keep the temperature at a reasonable level. Soak a towel in warm water and wring it out. Generally, one or more of the following will ease the discomfort of most cases of red eyes. The right remedy for your red eyes depends on the specific cause.

Red line in eye